
Guide to Heli Skiing in BC Canada

Embark on the ultimate powder skiing adventure in British Columbia, where heli skiing reigns supreme. Born in these majestic mountains, the sport captivates with unparalleled terrain, dependable snow, and secluded luxury lodges drawing enthusiasts worldwide.

From novice tips to expert insights, our comprehensive guide covers everything from planning your debut heli ski trip to crucial safety measures and selecting the ideal operator. Dive into our informative articles below and prepare for an unforgettable journey into BC’s backcountry.

Whether a newcomer or seasoned adventurer, heli skiing in BC promises an unparalleled thrill for all!

Background and Trip Planning

In 1965, when Hans Gmoser conceived the notion of ferrying skiers to remote slopes in the Bugaboos, few foresaw the phenomenon it would become. A true visionary, Gmoser is hailed as the founding figure of heli skiing. Since those pioneering days, the landscape has evolved significantly.

If you’re captivated by powder ski videos or have sampled slack country skiing and crave this bucket list adventure, peruse our curated articles. Discover essentials for your inaugural trip, unravel the diverse mountain ranges and regions of heli skiing in BC (hint: it’s not just the Rockies), and set off on an exhilarating journey.

Heli Skiing Safety

At Wynd Heli Skiing, we embrace the philosophy that teamwork fuels success. From our skilled guides to dedicated staff, we’re united by our passion for the backcountry. Nestled in Terrace, BC, our team goes the extra mile to ensure each guest’s journey is unforgettable. Yet, amidst the hard work, we never lose our relaxed mountain spirit and welcoming smiles.

Heli Skiing and Snowboarding Equipment

Riding down deep powder slopes in the mountains of BC is a true adventure, but it may not be very enjoyable if you’ve got the wrong gear. From powder skis and snowboards, to layering systems and the types of heli ski helicopters, we cover all the equipment you’ll need to have a blast in the backcountry of BC.

Powder Skiing and Boarding Technique

If you’re a seasoned shredder on groomers but have never dipped your ski boots in deep power, there are some things you’ll need to know when going from corduroy to waist-deep pow to get the most out of the experience. We’ll cover some of the techniques needed for heli skiing and heli snowboarding, and just as importantly, how to get fit for that big trip, so you have the ski legs to ride every day and not limp back to the lodge after the first few runs.

Heli Skiing with Wynd

Riding down deep powder slopes in the mountains of BC is a true adventure, but it may not be very enjoyable if you’ve got the wrong gear. From powder skis and snowboards, to layering systems and the types of heli ski helicopters, we cover all the equipment you’ll need to have a blast in the backcountry of BC.